Friday, April 23, 2010

Potential of possibility realized

Irony can be really, really funny and also incredibly tragic. It is of course the tragedy of it that gets me going. It's the part about loving someone who is far away, and loving one's own life, or one's own city too much to make love by leaving it. It's also the part about love living in one's hormones (I feel that love is an evolutionary survival mechanism, existing only to aid in perpertuating the human race) yet it is such a poweful force, a real thing that must be reckoned with everyday. Sometimes it is dangerous and sometimes gentle. Sometimes it is troublesome because it is present in one's life, and sometimes because it is gone, Daddy, gone. But, it is always on our minds and in our heart and is often the strongest motivational factor in our day-to-night-to-day existence.

- Stella

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